Safety & Health.
In order to realize our management philosophy based on the basic slogan, “We will always provide new excitement to people around the world and aim to be a company that is needed by society.” We will work on comprehensive safety and health activities based on the idea of “prioritizing everything”.
1.We will comply with the Industrial Safety and Health Act and other requirements announced by the company.
2.We will strive to develop safe and healthy people through education, training, and awareness-raising.
3.We will prioritize safety and health above all else, thoroughly eliminate dangers and harmful factors, and aim for zero accidents.
4.We will invest appropriate management resources, make continuous improvements to achieve our goals, and establish and maintain a management system.
1. Promotion system.
Promotion committee.
Chairman —- Managing Director.
Member —- Factory Manager, H/R Dep. assistant manager.
Members of each division’s activities. (group leader)
1.Meetings (once a month, activity reports, information sharing)
2.Patrol (once a month, as needed depending on the activity)
Promote activities, report to committees, and participate in
committee meetings.
2. FY2023 action items.

Commitment to safety.
1. Safety risk assessment. High-risk inspection and improvement
2. Safety education and training.
3. Improved work environment.

1. Health challenge activity.
- Improving eating habits.
- Smoking, drinking.
- Exercise.
- Sleep.
2. Mental health. Implementation of stress checks, implementation of line care, and establishment of a rework program.
Policy iso14001:2015
Company Siam Mizusho Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. is manufacturing of Automotive wire harness is committed to minimize environment impact in operations.
- Company is committed to prevent and reduce adverse impact by:
- Efficient use of material.
- energy conservation.
- waste management.
- protection of pollutions released to the environment.
- Company is committed to comply with applicable environmental laws and regulatory requirements.
- Our management system shall be continually improved.
- Company shall support and promote activities to build awareness and responsibility towards environmental among all employees and relevant interested parties.
- Company shall support communication and participation to improve environmental condition of work and greater understanding.