Group network.
Mizusho Group.

Mizusho Electronics(Shenzhen)Limited
Address :
Longhua New District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Pinshun Rroad No. 134, Xinghua Community, Guanlan Street, 5F, Gongchuan Mansion, Techno Center
Established a factory:
Established a local company:
Business Description :
Processing and assembly of electronics parts and wire harnesses.

Mizusho Electronics (Jiashan) Limited
Address :
1-66, Zhijiang Road, Huimin Sub-district, Jiashan County, Zhejiang P.R.China
Established :
February 2005
Business Description :
Processing, assembly, and sales of control panels for industrial equipment Processing and assembly of electronics parts and wire harnesses.

Kariya Business Office & Plant
Address :
1-13 Otsuzaki, Ogakie-cho, Kariya City, Aichi Prefecture
Tel :
Fax :
Access :
15 minute walk from the Ogakie Station (Nagoya Railroad Mikawa Line).
Business Description :
Processing and sales of electric wires, cables, and electronics parts.
Processing and sales of automotive parts.
Processing, assembly, and sales of control panels for industrial equipment.
Sales of LED lighting equipment.

Head office (Mizusho Co.,Ltd.)
Address :
4-20 Shirakane 1-chome, Showa-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
Tel :
(81)52-872-6451 (main switchboard)
(81)52-872-6455 (General Affairs Department)
Fax :
Access :
10 minute walk from the Tsurumai Station (JR Chuo Line or Nagoya Municipal Subway).
Business Description :
Sales of electric wires, cables, and electronics parts.
Sales of photovoltaic power generation systems and equipment.
Development with PSY and sales of LED lighting equipment.
General Affairs Department.